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Protocol for a Systematic Literature Review on the Impact of Neighborhoods on Educational Outcomes

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DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2024.060310 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 452


Olga Giovani 1, Konstantinos Petrogiannis 2


1 Hellenic Open University, Patra, Greece
2 University of West Attica, Attica, Greece

Corresponding Author

Olga Giovani


In the last three decades, there has been growing interest in understanding how neighborhoods influence residents' life prospects, extending beyond their individual traits. Various outcomes such as educational achievement, dropout rates, social exclusion, health, and behavioral issues have been explored through systematic literature reviews. However, establishing a direct cause-and-effect relationship between neighborhoods and these outcomes has proven challenging, given that most studies are correlational and lack robust causal evidence. This paper aims to outline the protocol and theoretical framework for a systematic literature review (SLR) to be conducted on Scopus in June 2024, focusing on synthesizing recent literature (2012 to present) on neighborhood-related factors and their impact on educational outcomes. Each article's sample size, age distribution, gender composition, context, methodology, and treatment of the "neighborhood" construct will be recorded. The SLR intends to integrate evidence from various studies to assess the level of causality reported, offering insights for reinterpretation and theoretical evaluation. The proposed SLR will be used as a means of linking studies' evidence that examine neighbourhood effects on educational outcomes. The results of this procedure will be (re)considered for reinterpretation and interconnection purposes in order to theoretically evaluate the degree of causality these studies report.


Achievement, attainment, community, neighbourhood, education


Olga Giovani, Konstantinos Petrogiannis, Protocol for a Systematic Literature Review on the Impact of Neighborhoods on Educational Outcomes. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2024) Vol. 6: 64-69. DOI:


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