Research on Art Teaching in Border Ethnic Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Cultural Creativity
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2024.050212 | Downloads: 17 | Views: 516
Zhiheng Guo 1
1 School of Art, Guangxi Minzu Normal University, Chongzuo City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China
Corresponding Author
Under the background of globalization and informatization, art education in border ethnic universities is facing the challenges of compatibility between tradition and modernity and cultural inheritance and innovation. In this context, the teaching reform of cultural creativity is an important way to improve students' educational quality and ability. The purpose of this study is to explore the present situation, challenges and reform strategies of art teaching in border ethnic universities. Specifically, this article described the existing problems of art education in colleges and universities, studied the strategies to improve the teaching content and teaching mode with the help of the characteristics of cultural and creative industries, and made an empirical analysis of the experimental research on the learning participation, learning effectiveness and learning advantages of art students in border ethnic universities before and after the reform. The results showed that the teaching reform of cultural creativity effectively improved students' learning participation, learning effect and learning efficiency. The reform of teaching pays more attention to students' initiative and innovation, and adopts a variety of teaching methods, as well as personalized teaching and diversified assessment system. The overall situation of students' participation in all courses reached the highest score of 9.9; the lowest test score was 121; the learning efficiency remained at 71.3%-90.7%. This study provides an empirical basis for art education in ethnic group and ethnic colleges, and also provides reference and enlightenment for the reform of education policy and practice.
Cultural and Creative Teaching Reform, Student Participation, Border Ethnic Universities, Art EducationCITE THIS PAPER
Zhiheng Guo, Research on Art Teaching in Border Ethnic Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Cultural Creativity. Art and Performance Letters (2024) Vol. 5: 77-85. DOI:
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