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Gender Identity Mobility: A New Perspective of Feminist Research

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DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2024.060307 | Downloads: 29 | Views: 616


Yubao Sun 1


1 UIA Mei Hua School, Kunshan, Suzhou, China

Corresponding Author

Yubao Sun


This article explores the concept of gender identity mobility and its application in feminist theory and practice. Through the analysis of historical and contemporary literature, the article reveals how the non-fixed nature of gender identity challenges traditional gender roles and identity recognition. This study uses qualitative analysis methods and relies on multiple case studies to explore the impact of gender mobility on women's identity politics. The experimental results indicate that accepting and understanding gender identity mobility can promote a more equitable and inclusive social structure. This study explored the effects of gender mobility on mental health, social adaptability, workplace environment adaptation, educational pathways, and career choices through four experiments. In the psychological health impact study experiment, the mean of the high gender mobility group on the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) was 24, significantly higher than the mean of the low mobility group of 16. On the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the mean of the high group was 22 and the low group was 14. In the study of social adaptability experiments, it was observed that the group with high gender mobility had an average score of 75 in terms of social adaptation. In the workplace adaptation experiment, the mean of the high mobility group was 80, while the group with lower gender mobility scored 70. In the final experiment exploring education and career choices, groups with high gender mobility exhibited a wider range of diversity. From the above data, it can be seen that high gender mobility will have a greater impact on individual performance in multiple areas of life.


Gender Mobility, Social Adaptability, Psychological Health, Workplace Adaptation


Yubao Sun, Gender Identity Mobility: A New Perspective of Feminist Research. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2024) Vol. 6: 43-49. DOI:


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