Exploration of the Inheritance and Protection Ways of Local Drama—Take the Jinghe Opera as an Example
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2024.050210 | Downloads: 38 | Views: 601
Zou Qingchuan 1
1 Beijing Union University, Beijing, China
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Zou QingchuanABSTRACT
Taking Jinghe Opera as an example, this paper discusses the multi-dimensional ways of inheritance and protection of local drama. Based on the analysis of the history, characteristics and current challenges of Jinghe Opera, the inheritance and protection strategies in drama adaptation, campus inheritance and market development are proposed, and the possibility of diversified and modern integration innovation is discussed from the creation and promotion mode of Jinghe Opera. At the level of drama creation and adaptation, it can be rooted in local traditional folk customs and livelihood, create unique drama works, process and integrate the drama elements according to local conditions, and combine the advantages of new media era to inherit and maintain itself; at the level of campus inheritance, the research and education of Jinghe Opera can be strengthened and promote the communication in contemporary campus and even the society; at the level of market development, it should pay attention to the protection of intellectual property rights, so as to create the exclusive IP of local drama and develop surrounding industries.
Jinghe opera; intangible cultural heritage; drama adaptation; inheritance and protection; local dramaCITE THIS PAPER
Zou Qingchuan, Exploration of the Inheritance and Protection Ways of Local Drama—Take the Jinghe Opera as an Example. Art and Performance Letters (2024) Vol. 5: 62-70. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/artpl.2024.050210.
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