Expose the true and false faces of the Asian Giant Hornets
DOI: 10.23977/erej.2021.050205 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 1371
Minghao Chen 1
1 Aircraft Engineering College, Nanchang HangKong University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330000
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Minghao ChenABSTRACT
The goal of this article is to build a dynamics prediction model, in order to estimate the propagation characteristics of Asian giant hornets in Washington State. We expect to implement some strategies for the Washington State Department of Agriculture to reduce the losses caused by the biological invasion. This paper build up to Hornet's dynamics prediction model. About this Model, firstly produce the positive ID data visualization points, then use the vector radial circle to examine the estimated propagation direction. Then, according to the Leslie population growth model [1], a propagation dynamics model (time series model) was established. Then, the model was used to construct a propagation diffusion map for the next few years.
Visualization, Vector Radial Circle, Leslie population growth modelCITE THIS PAPER
Minghao Chen. Expose the true and false faces of the Asian Giant Hornets. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2021) 5: 19-22. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/erej.2021.050205
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