Remediation of contaminated soil by biochar
DOI: 10.23977/erej.2021.050203 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 1470
Yin Li 1,2
1 Shaanxi Land Engineering Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Xi'an, Shaanxi 710075
2 Institute of Land Engineering and Technology, Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group, Xi'an Shaanxi 710075
Corresponding Author
As a new adsorbent, biochar not only promotes plants, but also adsorbs and immobilizes heavy metal pollution. In this paper, the properties of biochar and the effect of biochar on soil remediation are systematically analyzed to provide reference for remediation of contaminated soil.
Biochar, pollution, soil, remediationCITE THIS PAPER
Yin Li. Remediation of contaminated soil by biochar. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2021) 5: 11-13. DOI:
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