Empirical Research on Juvenile Crime Prevention
DOI: 10.23977/trance.2024.060307 | Downloads: 58 | Views: 744
Zhuoting Li 1
1 Toronto Elite School, Toronto, Canada
Corresponding Author
This article conducts an in-depth analysis and empirical research on the rising juvenile crime rate in China's transitional society. It first outlines the impact of juvenile crime on social stability and public safety, and reviews preventive measures and suggestions proposed by scholars and research institutions in recent years. The study conducted a questionnaire survey on 1000 juveniles with delinquent behavior in City A, and combined with data from relevant departments, analyzed the types of delinquent behavior, age composition, and family-school relationships. The results show that truancy, staying out late at night, and other general delinquent behaviors are common, and are related to ineffective family supervision. Moreover, gang crimes are prominent and closely related to juveniles' dropping out of school and family conditions. The article concludes by proposing suggestions for addressing family, school, internet, and juvenile crime prevention issues, including strengthening legal education, early intervention, optimizing family and school environments, establishing a juvenile crime risk warning system in smart cities, and establishing an intervention mechanism supported by family-school cooperation. These suggestions aim to reduce the juvenile crime rate, enhance their social adaptability and self-protection awareness, and promote social harmony and progress.
Protection of Minors, Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, Family Guardianship Responsibility, Legal System for MinorsCITE THIS PAPER
Zhuoting Li, Empirical Research on Juvenile Crime Prevention. Transactions on Comparative Education (2024) Vol. 6: 43-39. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/trance.2024.060307.
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