Modern dance choreography and the exploration of body language
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2024.050205 | Downloads: 79 | Views: 844
Du Chen 1
1 National Academy of Dance of Rome, Rome, Italy
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This paper explores the key issues in the creation of modern dance choreography, including the innovation and expression form of dance works, the role in cross-cultural communication, and the integration of technology and body language. By analyzing the challenges and opportunities faced by modern dance choreography, as well as the enlightenment and challenges for the future development of dance, this paper aims to provide ideas and reference for scholars and practitioners in the field of dance art. The practice and exploration of modern dance choreography has brought new ideas and directions to the art of dance. However, with the acceleration of the globalization process and the development of science and technology, the field of dance is facing new challenges and opportunities. Creators need to constantly explore and practice to meet these challenges and promote the continuous development and innovation of dance art. We look forward to witnessing more innovative dance works with cross-cultural characteristics, and bringing more colorful artistic experiences to audiences around the world.
Modern dance; choreography and creation; body language; innovationCITE THIS PAPER
Du Chen, Modern dance choreography and the exploration of body language. Art and Performance Letters (2024) Vol. 5: 29-34. DOI:
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