Integrating Environmental Concerns: Evaluation of GGDP Innovation Economy Based on Entropy Weight and Coefficient of Variation
DOI: 10.23977/infse.2024.050207 | Downloads: 14 | Views: 483
Chenyi Qiu 1, Yihua Tu 2
1 School of Economies, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444, China
2 School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444, China
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This study responds to the environmental repercussions of emphasizing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) over ecological concerns, like excessive resource depletion. With a pressing need for a more sustainable economic measure, we advocate for "Green" GDP (GGDP) as a holistic substitute. Our focus lies in integrating natural resource preservation into economic evaluations and promoting global accord on sustainable economic progress. Strategically selecting key economies worldwide, we redefine resource depletion and environmental degradation costs within GGDP assessments. Using methods like Entropy Weight and Coefficient of Variation, we establish a robust GGDP model. We also evaluate climate mitigation indicators across various countries, showcasing GGDP's positive impact through methods like BP neural networks. Additionally, we assess GGDP's resilience to fluctuations using predictive models like LSTM, highlighting its effectiveness in climate mitigation compared to GDP. This transition gains support from cosine similarity analysis, emphasizing GGDP's alignment with environmental indices. Enhancing the GGDP model through various analyses and incorporating indicators like GNI and research expenditure, our proposed framework emerges as a comprehensive, stable alternative, supporting sustainable economic growth while curbing environmental impact.
Entropy Weight, Coefficient of Variation, BP neural network, LSTMCITE THIS PAPER
Chenyi Qiu, Yihua Tu, Integrating Environmental Concerns: Evaluation of GGDP Innovation Economy Based on Entropy Weight and Coefficient of Variation. Information Systems and Economics (2024) Vol. 5: 51-57. DOI:
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