Response of an anisotropic conductive film to shear forces and temperature stress in a miniature package
DOI: 10.23977/mpcr.2024.040106 | Downloads: 7 | Views: 350
Junwei He 1, Hui Li 1, Chunyu Wu 1, Yitao Liu 1
1 Faculty of Engineering, Huanghe Science and Technology University, Zhengzhou, 450063, China
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This study investigates the response of anisotropic conductive adhesive films in microencapsulation to shear force and temperature stress. Through experiments and analysis, the changes in the performance of conductive adhesive films during microencapsulation processes are revealed. The research results indicate that conductive adhesive films are sensitive to both shear force and temperature stress, highlighting their significance for the optimization and improvement of microencapsulation processes.
Microencapsulation, anisotropic conductive adhesive film, shear force, temperature stress, performance changesCITE THIS PAPER
Junwei He, Hui Li, Chunyu Wu, Yitao Liu, Response of an anisotropic conductive film to shear forces and temperature stress in a miniature package. Modern Physical Chemistry Research (2024) Vol. 4: 41-48. DOI:
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