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Incremental Innovation: Range Development and Innovation in Tesla's New Energy Batteries

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DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2024.070108 | Downloads: 222 | Views: 1920


Ling Peng 1


1 Department of Sociology, University of York, Heslington, York, UK

Corresponding Author

Ling Peng


The impact of climate change is of great global concern and has led to a general consensus on the use of alternative energy sources to reduce carbon emissions. However, in the alternative energy vehicle market, Tesla Motors (hereafter Tesla), a pure electric vehicle startup, has been at the forefront of electric vehicle technology and is also a leader in battery range [1]. Tesla, as the current temporary leader, serves as the case study for this paper. This paper is an outline of Tesla's current new energy battery innovation and development projects, divided into three modules, including an overview of innovation types, sources of innovation and projects close to commercialisation. Finally, by discussing Tesla's capabilities and future challenges, new ideas and directions for the development of innovative enterprises are provided.


Tesla Motors, Innovation, Incremental Innovation, Product Markets, Management Strategy


Ling Peng, Incremental Innovation: Range Development and Innovation in Tesla's New Energy Batteries. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2024) Vol. 7: 61-68. DOI:


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