Research on the Establishment of Extracurricular Reading Environments for Rural Primary School Students
DOI: 10.23977/trance.2024.060105 | Downloads: 72 | Views: 979
Yang Boran 1
1 University of the Northeast Federation of Russia, Yakutsk, Russia
Corresponding Author
The establishment of extracurricular reading environments for rural primary school students is a critical initiative aimed at addressing educational disparities and fostering a culture of reading and learning among children in rural areas. Research has consistently highlighted the importance of reading in shaping a child's cognitive development, language skills, and academic success. However, in rural areas, the lack of access to adequate reading materials and conducive environments impedes students' ability to develop a habit of reading and exploration of various subjects beyond their textbooks. The construction of extracurricular reading environments for primary school students in rural areas has become a widely discussed topic in the field of education. Due to the relatively limited educational resources in rural townships, students face numerous challenges in extracurricular reading. Issues such as insufficient reading time, lack of guidance, and absence of critical thinking skills are prevalent among rural primary school students. This article proposes strategies for building extracurricular reading environments from three perspectives: home, school, and society. By fostering collaborative efforts among families, schools, and the community, a conducive extracurricular reading environment can be created for rural primary school students, enhancing their reading abilities and academic performance. This, in turn, contributes to the advancement of rural education.
Rural Primary School; Primary Students; Extracurricular Reading EnvironmentCITE THIS PAPER
Yang Boran, Research on the Establishment of Extracurricular Reading Environments for Rural Primary School Students. Transactions on Comparative Education (2024) Vol. 6: 37-44. DOI:
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