The Spread and Future of Critical Pedagogy in China
DOI: 10.23977/trance.2024.060104 | Downloads: 24 | Views: 746
Zhang Zhuoyuan 1
1 Taiyuan Normal University, Jinzhong, 030619, China
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Zhang ZhuoyuanABSTRACT
Critical Pedagogy is a political, multi-cultural and class-based theory that criticizes the realistic problems of Education under the capitalist social ideology. The spread of Critical Pedagogy in China is influenced by China's educational, social and historical reality. The spread of Critical Pedagogy in China has gone through more than 30 years since 1986, which can be divided into three stages. From rejection to acceptance and application, Critical Pedagogy has influenced Chinese researchers a lot. Faced with problems such as sex difference, evaluation criterion, school choosing and migrant workers, calling for native Critical Pedagogy of China is the vision for the future. Nowadays Critical Pedagogy has been accepted by Chinese researchers. But the entry of it has not led to the birth of native Critical Pedagogy in China. Moreover, another problem that can be solved through Critical Pedagogy is school choosing, which has became the most serious educational problem in China.
Critical Pedagogy; Spread; InfluenceCITE THIS PAPER
Zhang Zhuoyuan, The Spread and Future of Critical Pedagogy in China. Transactions on Comparative Education (2024) Vol. 6: 26-36. DOI:
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