The application of industrial robotics in the textile industry
DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2024.070102 | Downloads: 59 | Views: 726
Liu Chang 1
1 Ningxia Polytechnic, Yinchuan, Ningxia, 750021, China
Corresponding Author
The textile industry is an important livelihood industry in China, in order to reduce the human labour costs in the textile process, improve the quality of textile production and production efficiency, intelligent industrial robots are gradually being used in the textile production process. In this regard, in order to promote the intelligent construction process of the textile industry, reduce textile production costs, and promote the textile industry market economy is flourishing, this paper is based on the status quo of the development of digital technology, the integrated textile production process and related needs, industrial robotics in the textile industry in the application of the path to explore, in order to hope to learn from.
Industrial robots; textile industry; textile intelligenceCITE THIS PAPER
Liu Chang, The application of industrial robotics in the textile industry. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2024) Vol. 7: 8-12. DOI:
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