Research on the Design Strategy of Space Renewal of Handicraft Culture in Huayao Dai Village of Gasa Based on Non-genetic Inheritance
DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2023.051118 | Downloads: 50 | Views: 549
Fangyi Zhu 1
1 School of New Media and Arts, Xi'an Kedagaoxin University, Xi'an, China
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Based on the non-genetic inheritance, the research on the design strategy of the handicraft culture space of Huayao Dai village in Gasa aims to protect and inherit the traditional handicraft culture of Huayao Dai village in Gasa, and at the same time, make the handicraft culture space better adapt to the development and needs of modern society through the updated design. This paper puts forward the renewal design strategy from the aspects of spatial layout, facilities construction, cultural display, personnel training and community participation, and takes the space renewal design of handicraft culture in Huayao Dai village in Gasa, Yunnan Province as an example for case analysis.
Non-genetic inheritance; Ga sa Hua Yao Dai; Village; Handicraft cultureCITE THIS PAPER
Fangyi Zhu, Research on the Design Strategy of Space Renewal of Handicraft Culture in Huayao Dai Village of Gasa Based on Non-genetic Inheritance. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2023) Vol. 5: 137-144. DOI:
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