IT Management in the Process of Corporate Divestiture
DOI: 10.23977/infse.2023.040917 | Downloads: 19 | Views: 616
Liju Sun 1
1 Honeywell (China) Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China
Corresponding Author
Corporate divestiture refers to the process of dividing a company into two or more smaller independent companies or business units. It is a significant strategic measure to promote the healthy development of enterprises and better adapt to the market and competition. The content of divestiture often involves various functional departments and business areas within the enterprise, making it not only complex but also time-consuming and resource-intensive. IT systems, akin to the brain and nervous system of a human body, constitute the fundamental basis of modern enterprise operations, supporting the normal functioning of the entire company. Therefore, effective management of IT operations during the corporate divestiture phase is crucial. This article analyzes and discusses IT business management during the process of corporate divestiture, combines practical applications from a certain enterprise, proposes effective countermeasures, summarizes the challenges faced in IT business management during the corporate divestiture stage, and aims to ensure data security, business continuity, and efficient IT operations.
Corporate Divestiture; IT Business Management; Enterprise ManagementCITE THIS PAPER
Liju Sun, IT Management in the Process of Corporate Divestiture. Information Systems and Economics (2023) Vol. 4: 128-133. DOI:
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