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Research on Asteroid Mineral Distribution Strategy Based on Global Fair Model

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DOI: 10.23977/csic2022.003


Zihan Cheng, Boshi Liu, Li Yin

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Zihan Cheng


With the development of space exploration technology, more and more countries take the equity of asteroid mining into account. In order to make the asteroid mining industry truly benefit mankind, this paper focuses on the establishment of a global equity model. It takes the indicators including scientific and technological development in aerospace and other fields, carbon dioxide emissions, poverty eradication, hunger eradication, health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, climate action, marine environment, terrestrial ecology, and institutional justice as a reference to realize the evaluation of equity. First, what we need to do is to measure the concept of fairness. Equity refers to matching what a country gets with what it deserves rather than the same indicators assigned to everyone. Therefore, we need to quantify this allocation coefficient. The larger the coefficient is, the more resources it is worth. The first is to establish the distribution coefficient model. When constructing the index system, we consider many aspects such as population, economy, development, and region. Here, we need to use TOPSIS to solve the index's weight. At the same time, we need to consider the gap between the positive and negative of the index, rank, and calculate. The higher the score, the fairer. Then, we used the "wage distribution" model, which is how to distribute money (minerals), that is, the "whole planet." Here, in addition to considering the situation of each country, we also added the concept of "investment and income." Scientific and technological factors (number of universities or talents) and market consumption (consumption of minerals) are added to influence what asteroid mining might look like in the future. Finally, we believe that the core of the policy is the data behind it. Therefore, we will change the perspective of analyzing problems to maximize the benefits of all mankind, and shift the core of thinking from "fairness" to changing goals. To take a simple example, countries with advanced science and technology need more resources, which has nothing to do with their population, GDP, and other factors. Finally, we compare the benefit value after target transformation.


TOPSIS, allocation strategy, asteroid mining

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