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Using SWOT analysis to derive the pros and cons of NBA All Star Game

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DOI: 10.23977/MSIED2022.037


Xiang Teng, Yecheng Yue

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Xiang Teng


Our objective for this paper is to conduct research on the NBA all-star game and evaluate its strength and weaknesses. This is crucial to the NBA’s future development or even the entire sports industry as a whole. The reason behind this is that by analyzing major events like the all-star game, trends regarding the development of the league or even the sports industry could be depicted. Furthermore, by analyzing the all-star game, problems that has yet to be resolved might appear, thus a research paper is crucial for critics to anticipate changes in the league, like revenue and fan base. The results of the paper are that we found out various different strength and weaknesses of the event. The strength includes the tremendous amount of revenue that the event generates and the amount of attention that the event gets to facilitate the development of the league. Weaknesses my include security and traffic issues due to the immense population of fans flushing into one city to watch the game over the night. Some opportunities of the all-star game may include business around the event like hotels and restaurants. Threats of the event may include external factors that hinder the continuation of the event, like the contemporary corona virus. Our results suggest that the NBA all-star game may be successful, but it has a long way from being perfect, thereby having its pros but also complemented by the cons. In addition, we researched online and read through documents written by credible sources. For example, quotes of famous NBA stars were used, it primarily served the purpose of showing the players attitude to changes made in the league. Furthermore, statistical data was utilized the support fiscal claims, like the revenue made by the event.


NBA, All Star Game, Covid-19, SWOT-Analysis

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