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The Effects of Automatic Feedback in Asynchronous Video-Based Recording Class

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DOI: 10.23977/BMHEE2021029


Boyue Jing, Zixu Li

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Zixu Li


Based on previous theories, we find that there is insufficient research on how automatic feedback affects video-based learning. However, video-based learning without teachers has many problems which may disturb study such as the lack of interactivity, whereas automatic feedback can provide immediate assessment and an interactive environment. Thus, it is essential to figure out how automatic feedback affects video-based learning to help us design the automatic feedback for video-based learning to enhance students’ learning. There are some suggestions based on the theories of how to design effective feedback and the features of video-based learning. First of all, the feedback should be detailed and all-around which means that it could point out the specific mistake and give reasonable explanations so that learners could realize their weakness directly encouraging them to do positive changes about learning plan and learning contents. Then, it would be helpful for students if educators could give feedback in different ways since it would be attractive so that students could pay more attention in class. Lastly, heuristic feedback is encouraged to be used.


feedback, asyncgronous Video-based Recording Class, strategies

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