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The Impact of Customer Service, Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty in the Hotel Industry

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DOI: 10.23977/wepm2021.023


Jiaxuan Li, Mingru Weng and Wanli Xiao

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Mingru Weng


Nowadays, many retailers around the world have customer loyalty programs to retain their customers. Customer loyalty is a long-term voluntary user solution for building relationships with a corporation. This article illustrates how customer service and satisfaction affect customer loyalty and how knowing these links may help a hotel maintain or attract more customers by boosting customer loyalty and thereby increasing revenue. Using sources such as Google Scholar, we reviewed the literature on customer service, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The papers and reports we found did not specifically provide a specific definition of customer satisfaction with the various factors that determine it. Some researchers have noted that customer service and customer satisfaction can have an impact on customer loyalty, but have not specified the relationship between the three variables. We explain the relationship between customer service and customer loyalty, the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and the fact that customer service affects customer loyalty by influencing customer satisfaction and thus customer loyalty to help you better understand the relationship between customer service, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Finally, we come to the conclusion that customer service influences customer loyalty, customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty, and customer service influences customer loyalty via influencing customer satisfaction.


Customer service, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty

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