Research on the Sports Events Differences of Ideological and Political Education in the Integration Course of College Physical Education
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DOI: 10.23977/ETIS2020011
Guobiao Yang, Xinxin Yang, Junjun Dai
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Guobiao Yang
Different sports events possess diverse styles and performance forms. When we discuss how to integrate ideological and political education into Physical Education Class, we can’t generalize all sports elective courses. Obviously, upon analysis and comparison of different sports, there is a significant difference between the collective and individual sports, physical fitness and skills, Olympic and non-olympic sports, etc. , there was a significant difference between the participants exercise goals and psychological motivation. In order to better run ideological and political work through the whole process of education and teaching, the realization of all-round strategy of educating students should be made. The effect of Ideological and political education in PE class will be achieved after,through the effective promotion curriculum thought politics and the university physical education curriculum fusion development, finally realizes the physical education classroom thought education effect.
Physical Education; Integration; Course Ideological and Political; Events; Difference