Study of English Translation and Its Application Based on Discourse Analysis
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DOI: 10.23977/icettl.2018.71120
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Mengchu Li
Discourse analysis is a very important part of English translation. When reading, discourse analysis is very important. The analysis cannot only be based on words, sentences and words. It needs to be grasped in the original text. The paragraphs and themes are expressed. This is a means of expressing the author's thoughts. The analysis of discourse is very extensive. As the object of discourse analysis, it is necessary for the sentences, the collocation of the words, and the relationship of the whole article to be connected, which requires an in-depth understanding of the intent and purpose, an overall listing of language features, and a discourse analysis that emphasizes integration and plays an important role in improving their learning ability. Discourse analysis has important characteristics. When translating, it is necessary to understand the discourse center, master the entire central idea and paragraph structure of discourse, and analyze the context in a specific environment. Different discourses have different contexts, and their time, place, and characters need to be completed through discourse analysis. How to use the discourse analysis to translate the theory is the problem that is faced at present, and this paper mainly adopts the discourse analysis, selects the English translation, and uses the language structure to form the discourse.
Discourse analysis, English translation, application