Judgment and Prevention System Model for China's Real Estate Financial Risk Based on Risk Prevention of Banking System
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DOI: 10.23977/icssme.2019.029
Cao Jinfei, Jiang Qingqing, Cao Kuang
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Cao Jinfei
In recent years, China's real estate market has developed too fast, and there is a risk that the housing bubble will burst in the real estate market, which may transmit systemic risks to the banking sector. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the possible systemic risks of China's real estate financial sector and how to curb this risk by implementing effective real estate financial supervision. This paper focuses on the analysis of China's existing real estate’s financial supervision system defects, to prevent the bank systemic risk as the goal, and puts forward to improve China's real estate financial supervision system, in view of the prevention system model construction.
Banking System, Real Estate Fiance, Risk Judgement, Prevention System