Study on the calculation method of critical wind velocity for failure of roof slab connectors of light steel building
DOI: 10.23977/jceup.2023.051009 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 666
Guilong Chen 1, Sun Xinyu 2
1 School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China
2 Work Safety Administration of China National Railway Group Corporation, Beijing, China
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Guilong ChenABSTRACT
The light steel buildings along the high-speed railway are the key content of the environmental remediation of the high-speed railway. At present, it is urgent to carry out systematic research on the rapid quantitative evaluation of its safety, and the critical wind speed is one of its main indicators. From the perspective of the safety critical wind speed of light steel buildings, this paper proposes a calculation method for the critical wind speed of light steel buildings along the high-speed rail line through theoretical derivation research, and conducts regularity research. Under the condition of , the critical wind speed of the roof panel structure gradually decreases with the increase of the span and tends to be stable; under the conditions of the same site and the same design span, the critical wind speed of the roof panel structure increases gradually with the increase of the screw spacing and tends to be stable; when the structural design span is the same as the number of screws, the critical wind speed of the simply supported beam is greater than the critical wind speed of the continuous beam; the critical wind speed of the two-span continuous beam structure is the smallest, and when the continuous beam is greater than or equal to five spans, its critical wind speed tends to a fixed value, and then provides technical support for ensuring the safety of the environment outside the high-speed railway along the line.
High-speed railway, Light steel buildings, Critical wind speed, Calculation methodCITE THIS PAPER
Guilong Chen, Sun Xinyu, Study on the calculation method of critical wind velocity for failure of roof slab connectors of light steel building. Journal of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning (2023) Vol. 5: 59-69. DOI:
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