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Research on the strategy of improving the work capacity of secretaries of urban grassroots government agencies in the post-epidemic era

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DOI: 10.23977/socsam.2023.040805 | Downloads: 130 | Views: 1439


Keqin Zhu 1, Li Chen 2, Yuhan Chen 2


1 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, 611731, China
2 Nanchang Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, 330032, China

Corresponding Author

Keqin Zhu


The secretaries of the grass-roots government agencies use scientific and effective methods to implement the policies of the higher levels and meet the needs of the public in a precise and fast way, which will have a bearing on the efficiency of the grass-roots government's management work and the image of the government. Based on the post epidemic era, this paper scientifically analyzes the duties of secretaries of basic government agencies in government work, which can be divided into routine duties and emergency management duties. The results of the interviews show that the secretaries of grass-roots organizations have insufficient work capacity for emergency management, lack of flexibility in governing, and insufficient application of information technology. Identifying and outlining the causes of the deficiencies in the work capacity of grassroots secretarial personnel, and exploring the improvement initiatives of the secretaries of urban grassroots government agencies in the areas of crisis management awareness, collaborative governance concepts, intelligent information technology, and the construction of the emergency planning system, provide a basis and reference for the development of the theory of emergency response in the grassroots government and the reform of the practice of emergency response work.


Secretary; grassroots government; emergency management; Post-pandemic era


Keqin Zhu, Li Chen, Yuhan Chen, Research on the strategy of improving the work capacity of secretaries of urban grassroots government agencies in the post-epidemic era. Social Security and Administration Management (2023) Vol. 4: 35-40. DOI:


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