Design and Simulation of Vehicle Engine Lock System by Alcohol Detection Sensor for Ethiopia Driver
DOI: 10.23977/jcmi.2023.010101 | Downloads: 242 | Views: 1683
Begna Asirat Negash 1, Yanqiu Che 2
1 Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Dagu South Road, Hexi District, Tianjin, China
2 School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin, China
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Begna Asirat NegashABSTRACT
In Ethiopia one quarter (1/4) of all road car accident deaths are associated with alcohol. Drank driver are the major problem of car accident in the world not only in Ethiopia. Now a days it has been a known truth which major part of the car accidents in the world are due to the uneven interruptions, inappropriate driving by the drivers [1]. It's a totally unwanted scenario which is true. Therefore the project has been proposed to mechanically lock the motor of the automobile with the use of Arduino Uno microcontroller, if any alcoholic person tries to drive the car/bus/any other engine lock transportation system. This study developed a simulation of alcohol detection and engine locking system by using an Arduino Uno microcontroller interfaced with an alcohol sensor in conjunction with an LCD display and a DC motor to illustrate the concept. The system uses MQ-3 alcohol sensor to continuously monitor the blood alcohol content (BAC) to detect the existence of liquor in the exhalation of a driver. By placing the sensor on the steering wheel, our system has the capacity to continuously check alcohol level from the driver's breath. The ignition will fail to start if the sensors detect content of alcohol in the driver's breath. Additionally, if the driver drinks alcohol while driving, the sensor will still detect alcohol in his breath and stop the engine so that the car cannot accelerate any further and the driver can park by the roadside.
Arduino, MQ3, blood alcohol content (BAC), LCD, DC motorCITE THIS PAPER
Begna Asirat Negash, Yanqiu Che, Design and Simulation of Vehicle Engine Lock System by Alcohol Detection Sensor for Ethiopia Driver. Journal of Control, Measurement & Instrumentation (2023) Vol. 1: 1-6. DOI:
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