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Measurement of the Operation Efficiency of the Basic Endowment Insurance System for Urban and Rural Residents in China: Based on the Two-Stage Network DEA Model

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DOI: 10.23977/socsam.2023.040607 | Downloads: 88 | Views: 1108


Zeng Jiang 1


1 Hunan University of Science and Engineering, Yongzhou, 425199, China

Corresponding Author

Zeng Jiang


In the next few decades, China's old-age security system will face the greatest challenge, in order to solve the problem of residents "old age", and in order to reduce the risk of old-age due to population aging, China has successively built urban social old-age insurance and a new rural social old-age insurance system, and in 2014 it was merged into a unified urban and rural residents basic endowment insurance system, which makes China's social security system cover all groups. After more than 8 years of practice, it is of great significance to evaluate the operation efficiency of the basic endowment insurance system for urban and rural residents in China. On this basis, 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions were selected as samples, and the two-stage network data envelopment analysis method was used to calculate the operation efficiency of China's basic endowment insurance system for urban and rural residents from 2014 to 2021, and the DEA-Malmquist index method was used to dynamically analyze the total factor productivity. The results show that: (1) the overall efficiency value of the financing stage and operation stage of the basic endowment insurance system for urban and rural residents in China is basically stable. (2) In the financing stage and operation stage, the average total factor productivity of China's basic endowment insurance system for urban and rural residents from 2014 to 2021 was 1.033, indicating that the increase in total factor productivity was 3.3%, and (3) the technological progress index and pure technological efficiency in various time periods from 2014 to 2021 had a significant impact on the operation efficiency of China's basic endowment insurance system for urban and rural residents.


Urban housing insurance system, two-stage network DEA, DEA-Malmquist index, Efficiency measures


Zeng Jiang, Measurement of the Operation Efficiency of the Basic Endowment Insurance System for Urban and Rural Residents in China: Based on the Two-Stage Network DEA Model. Social Security and Administration Management (2023) Vol. 4: 41-53. DOI:


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