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Methods of Analysis of Amazon Product Reviews and Rating Prediction

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DOI: 10.23977/tracam.2023.030102 | Downloads: 27 | Views: 1123


Shixun Huang 1, Xiaowen Zhang 2, Mingzhi Wang 3


1 Mathematical Applications in Economics and Finance, 27 King's College Cir, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
2 Computer Science, 27 King's College Cir, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
3 Computer Science and Technology, Civil Aviation Flight University of China, 46 Section 4 Nanchang Road, Guanghan, China

Corresponding Author

Shixun Huang


Online shopping reviews have become an important data source for merchants to make smarter decisions in product development, operations, and marketing. In this paper, we propose a modeling strategy to optimize data analysis and processing of online shopping review data. We address four main problems: identifying commonly used words in positive, negative, and helpful reviews, predicting the products to which the comments refer using semantic analysis, predicting the product rating based on the comments using sentiment analysis, and proposing ways to distinguish human comments from machine-generated ones. Additionally, we provide a recommendation letter to customers on how to read product reviews.


Review rating prediction, keyword extraction, sentiment analysis, TF-IDF, recurrent neural network


Shixun Huang, Xiaowen Zhang, Mingzhi Wang, Methods of Analysis of Amazon Product Reviews and Rating Prediction. Transactions on Computational and Applied Mathematics (2023) Vol. 3: 7-17. DOI:


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