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Research on the legal issues of high-quality development of China's marine fisheries under the background of digital economy

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DOI: 10.23977/law.2023.020405 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 464


Yuhan Yang 1, Yanan Qu 1


1 Dalian Ocean University, Dalian, Liaoning, 116023 China

Corresponding Author

Yuhan Yang


After entering the era of digital economy, China's high-quality development of marine fisheries has ushered in new opportunities, and has increasingly become the key to improving the quality and efficiency of China's marine economy. The construction of marine database, the development of Internet e-commerce platform, the application of intelligent fishery law enforcement system and the application of big data technology such as marine disaster early warning system provide strong support for the high-quality development of marine fishery in China. However, the legal system related to marine fisheries does not adapt to the rapid growth of the digital economy. There are some problems, such as the weak awareness of fishermen's Internet law, the lack of laws and regulations in the field of marine fisheries digital economy development, and the imperfect supervision mechanism of marine fisheries digital economy. Based on this, China should strengthen the Internet rule of law publicity for fishermen, strengthen the construction of laws and regulations on marine fishery digital economy, and establish a sound regulatory mechanism for marine fishery digital economy, so as to stimulate the vitality of digital economy and realize the high-quality development of marine fishery in China.


Digital economy; marine fisheries; high quality development; legal issues


Yuhan Yang, Yanan Qu, Research on the legal issues of high-quality development of China's marine fisheries under the background of digital economy. Science of Law Journal (2023) Vol. 2: 28-35. DOI: 10.23977/law.2023.020405.


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