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The "Lie" of American Democracy

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DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2023.040110 | Downloads: 9 | Views: 616


Zhaorui Li 1


1 Faculty of Literature, Liaoning University, Shenyang, China

Corresponding Author

Zhaorui Li


The United States claims itself as the "beacon" of democracy, but the chaos behind it shows that this "beacon" is actually a lie. The strange political term "Gerrymander" deeply exposes the hypocrisy of American democracy and also its chronic disease. In recent years, a popular American TV series House of Cards also depicts the American politics under the power game and reveals the hypocritical nature hidden behind the antagonistic American democracy—in the process of election and voting, public opinion was ignored, manipulated and controlled arbitrarily, and completely reduced to the "game of power" of politicians. In essence, "American democracy" is the opposite of democracy. This paper will introduce the phenomenon of "Gerrymander", analyzing the hypocrisy of American democratic politics from the confrontational American democracy and the whip of Republicans or Democratic embodied in the American TV series House of Cards.


American democracy, Gerrymander, House of Cards, Antagonistic, Whip in Republicans or Democratic


Zhaorui Li, The "Lie" of American Democracy. Journal of Political Science Research (2023) Vol. 4: 75-79. DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2023.040110.


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