Application of Wearable Technology and Equipment in Sports
DOI: 10.23977/acss.2023.070411 | Downloads: 45 | Views: 958
Guomeng Zhang 1
1 Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology, Changzhou, Jiangsu, 213164, China
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Guomeng ZhangABSTRACT
With the gradual development of intelligent technology, the application frequency of scientific and technological products in life is also gradually increasing. Wearable technology is related equipment that can be worn on the body to meet various use functions. Typical wearable devices include electronic watches, earphones and other electronic devices used in daily life. It can be used by wearing, including sensing, identification, connection, cloud service and other related concepts and technologies. Its functional diversity and convenience of use have become a major reason for the popularity of the public at present. In the process of sports, wearable technology can also assist the actual development of sports to a certain extent, and can also achieve the function of leisure and entertainment to a certain extent during sports. This paper discusses and analyzes the application of wearable technology and equipment in sports, aiming to put forward relevant strategies that are feasible and meet the needs of users in the future according to the basic functions of wearable equipment and the application status in sports.
Wearable Technology; Wearable Equipment; Athletic SportsCITE THIS PAPER
Guomeng Zhang. Application of Wearable Technology and Equipment in Sports. Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems (2023) Vol. 7: 79-83. DOI:
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