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Research and Application of Technology for Highway Overload Control System

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DOI: 10.23977/acss.2023.070409 | Downloads: 16 | Views: 610


Weilei Bao 1,2, Fanfeng Lin 1


1 International College, Ulaanbaatar Erdem University, Ulaanbaatar, 999097, Mongolia
2 Fujian Intelligent Traffic Information Engineering Co., Ltd., Fuzhou, 350005, China

Corresponding Author

Fanfeng Lin


With the development of digitalization and informatization, vehicle super control has also been gradually transformed from traditional fixed super control stations to off-site law enforcement, but it is not uniformly applied to source super control and highway entrance/exit super control. Therefore, we adopt multi-source data fusion technology to develop the highway regional super control system, through the control and matching of multi-source data collection, the interactive verification of the collected data, the establishment of vehicle data correction system, the resolution of data pollution when multiple sources are collected, the improvement of the accuracy of the collected data, and the integrated use of decision models to make comprehensive determination of the illegal transportation behavior of freight vehicles, based on the MVC (Model a View - Controller) model framework to build the management platform of highway regional super control system. The system is able to obtain vehicle data at each inspection point in real time, and make timely pushing of illegal information of over-limit vehicles, effectively curb the damage of over-limit vehicles to the road surface and provide reference for similar projects.


Technology and super control, multiple data, interactive verification, application


Weilei Bao, Fanfeng Lin. Research and Application of Technology for Highway Overload Control System. Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems (2023) Vol. 7: 64-70. DOI:


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