Design of all-around automatic integrated rail cleaning vehicle
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2021.060102 | Downloads: 54 | Views: 1837
Yizhi Liu 1, Li Xu 1, Xueyou Ren 2, Yonghai He 3, Heqing Pan 2
1 School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha, 410000
2 College of Management, South China Business College Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510545
3 School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, YingKou Institute of Technology, Yingkou, Liaoning, 115299
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With the vigorous development of rail construction in China, the workload of rail cleaning increases rapidly. The use of automatic machinery for rail cleaning will become a trend. The market needs to meet the needs of rail cleaning vehicles’ high reliability and high efficiency. Based on the market demand, this paper designed and developed a high-efficiency, energy-saving, cost-effective rail cleaning equipment. The cleaning operation vehicle integrates the function of pollution absorption, cleaning and high-pressure water. It adopts advanced technology such as artificial intelligence and automatic control system to realize the functions of automatic train operation, route planning, operation state monitoring, water level control, fault detection, garbage classification, operation and maintenance modular management, etc. At the same time, for the high humidity working environment, the function of waterproof has been taken into consideration.
Rail cleaning, cleaning vehicle design, automatic control, high humidity working environmentCITE THIS PAPER
Yizhi Liu, Li Xu, Xueyou Ren, Yonghai He, Heqing Pan, Design of all-around automatic integrated rail cleaning vehicle. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2021) Vol. 6: 11-15. DOI:
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