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A Study on the Translation Strategies of Chinese Culture Loaded Words from the Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization

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DOI: 10.23977/acss.2023.070316 | Downloads: 877 | Views: 3959


Yanfei Yao 1


1 Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan, 454000, China

Corresponding Author

Yanfei Yao


With the development of global economic integration, the political, economic and cultural exchanges between countries around the world are getting closer and closer. Translation has become one of the key means in cross-cultural communication and is indispensable. Because of different geographical environments and cultural backgrounds, countries all over the world have formed their own distinctive language and culture, among which culture loaded words have also been born. The task of translation is to use the cultural details of one language to transform the cultural details of another language, so the final translation effect is related to the translator's grasp of the two cultures. Based on this, translation theorists propose two translation strategies, namely, domestication and foreignization. Culture loads the command of cultural connotation carried by words, so it is more difficult to fully convey such words than to translate them into ordinary languages. In this regard, this paper studies the translation of culture loaded words, and explores the translation strategies of Chinese culture loaded words from the perspective of domestication and foreignization.


Domestication and Foreignization; China; Culture Loaded Words; English Translation


Yanfei Yao. A Study on the Translation Strategies of Chinese Culture Loaded Words from the Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization. Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems (2023) Vol. 7: 125-129. DOI:


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