Research on Maximum SNR Relay Selection Algorithm Based on Channel Prediction
DOI: 10.23977/cpcs.2023.070104 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 853
Hao Zhu 1, Yue Yan 1, Hao Wang 1, Luyao Zhou 1
1 College of Physics and Information Engineering, Zhaotong University, Zhaotong, China
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As one of the key candidate technologies for 5G, D2D communication technology can solve the problem of excessive data traffic caused by excessive number of mobile devices to a certain extent. Aiming at the problem of channel quality deterioration and communication interruption caused by the large distance between D2D communication parties, a relay selection algorithm based on maximum SNR channel prediction is proposed. Firstly, the relay set is established for the correctly decoded relay; Secondly, the channels in the relay set are predicted according to the existing MMSE algorithm, and a set of channel coefficients are obtained to calculate the SNR of each relay link; Finally, the one with the maximum SNR is selected as the optimal relay for forwarding. Simulation results show that the outage probability of the proposed algorithm is about 2 to 3 orders of magnitude lower than that of the random relay selection algorithm.
D2D communication, channel prediction, relay selection, signal to noise ratioCITE THIS PAPER
Hao Zhu, Yue Yan, Hao Wang, Luyao Zhou, Research on Maximum SNR Relay Selection Algorithm Based on Channel Prediction. Computing, Performance and Communication Systems (2023) Vol. 7: 24-31. DOI:
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