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Legitimizing Analysis of Political Discourse from the Perspective of Proximization Theory: Visualized Modeling of Interim National Security Strategic Guidance Based on Visio

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DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2023.040106 | Downloads: 14 | Views: 652


Haoshuang Liu 1, Xiongyong Cheng 1


1 School of Foreign Languages, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou Henan, China

Corresponding Author

Haoshuang Liu


Based on the proximization theory and relying on Visio, this paper analyzed and visualized Interim National Security Strategic Guidance through the Spatial-Temporal-Axiological (STA) proximization model. The qualitative description and quantitative analysis were adopted to analyze the main view from the United States so as to dynamically locate the direction of US policies. The findings indicate: (1) First-person deixis, phrasal verbs denoting displacement, and noun phrases denoting substantive influence were used to present the dynamic aggression of external entities and the passive state of internal entities; (2) A full-range temporal presentation was adopted to highlight the persistence of threats, and large numbers of present-future time representations were used to present the image of a responsible state; (3) Abstract nouns with emotion were employed to present the binary opposition between internal and external entities to construct the receiver's positive cognition of internal entities and negative cognition of external entities. The research results might deepen readers' profound understanding of proximization theory and provide a referential perspective for the better presentation of the research results of political discourse.


Discourse space, legitimization, proximization theory, STA model, visualized analysis


Haoshuang Liu, Xiongyong Cheng, Legitimizing Analysis of Political Discourse from the Perspective of Proximization Theory: Visualized Modeling of Interim National Security Strategic Guidance Based on Visio. Journal of Political Science Research (2023) Vol. 4: 31-39. DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2023.040106.


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