The Effect and Significance of China's Resumption of Work and Production after the COVID-19 Epidemic
DOI: 10.23977/socsam.2023.040209 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 515
Yuchen Wu 1, Yi Wang 1
1 Chinese Academy of Personal Science, Beijing, 110100, China
Corresponding Author
This paper addresses the challenges, priorities and countermeasures of work resumption in the post-pandemic period, and summarizes China’s practices and experience in response to major infectious diseases, and the significance of all-round work resumption to the fight against COVID-19 throughout the world.
COVID-19 Epidemic, Resumption of Work and Production, Significance of Work ResumptionCITE THIS PAPER
Yuchen Wu, Yi Wang, The Effect and Significance of China's Resumption of Work and Production after the COVID-19 Epidemic. Social Security and Administration Management (2023) Vol. 4: 65-70. DOI:
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