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Challenges and Solutions for China's Resumption of Work and Production against COVID-19

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DOI: 10.23977/socsam.2023.040208 | Downloads: 7 | Views: 590


Yuchen Wu 1, Qiulei Wang 1


1 Chinese Academy of Personal Science, Beijing, 110100, China

Corresponding Author

Yuchen Wu


This article focuses on analyzing the multiple challenges faced by the Chinese government in the process of promoting the resumption of work and production since the COVID-19 epidemic, and summarizes the overall thinking and work priorities in the process of smoothly promoting the resumption of work and production.


COVID-19 Epidemic, Resumption of Work and Production, Challenges and Solution


Yuchen Wu, Qiulei Wang, Challenges and Solutions for China's Resumption of Work and Production against COVID-19. Social Security and Administration Management (2023) Vol. 4: 59-64. DOI:


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