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A Certificateless Multi-Receiver Broadcast Signcryption Scheme for Demand Response

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DOI: 10.23977/cpcs.2023.070102 | Downloads: 27 | Views: 739


Shaomin Zhang 1, Jiajia Chang 1, Baoyi Wang 1


1 School of Control and Computer Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding, Hebei, 071003, China

Corresponding Author

Shaomin Zhang


Under demand response, the power control centre needs to send some confidential information to smart home users in a timely manner. If the information is sent to each user individually, high communication costs will be incurred. Moreover, with the increasing number of users and services, frequent information interaction brings enormous pressure to the power communication system. To effectively solve this problem, a certificateless multi-receiver broadcast signcryption scheme for demand response is proposed. The Lagrange polynomial theorem is used to encrypt different messages, so that the control centre can send different demand response signals to different smart home users through a broadcast message, while ensuring the unforgeability of sending confidential messages. Experiments show that this scheme has lower computation cost.


Broadcast signcryption, privacy protection, demand response, smart home


Shaomin Zhang, Jiajia Chang, Baoyi Wang, A Certificateless Multi-Receiver Broadcast Signcryption Scheme for Demand Response. Computing, Performance and Communication Systems (2023) Vol. 7: 6-11. DOI:


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