Analysis and Measure of Process Coupling between TQM and Technological Innovation
DOI: 10.23977/ferm.2020.030116 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 1588
Zhifeng Lian 1, Qiang Liu 1, Yu Guo 2
1 School of Economics and Management, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou, Liaoning, China
2 School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Heilongjiang, China
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Zhifeng LianABSTRACT
Based on the process and connotation of total quality management and technological innovation, the coupling between the total quality management process and technological innovation process is analyzed from the relevant theories and existing empirical research. The analysis shows that both theoretical research and existing empirical research can support the coupling between the total quality management process and the technological innovation process. And on this basis, the coupling between total quality management and technological innovation is measured. The measurement results show that: the total quality management and the technological innovation process can be coupled, in a medium-coupling state, and there is a certain room for improvement in the process coupling between the total quality management process and the technological innovation.
Total Quality Management, Technological Innovation, Process CouplingCITE THIS PAPER
Zhifeng Lian, Qiang Liu and Yu Guo, Analysis and Measure of Process Coupling between TQM and Technological Innovation. in Guizhou Area, China. Financial Engineering and Risk Management (2020) 3: 107-115. DOI:
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