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Influence of Panoramic Vr Software on Tourists' on-Site Travel Intention: an Integrated Model Based on Tam and Idt

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DOI: 10.23977/csoc.2022.020108 | Downloads: 51 | Views: 2062


Zhao Xinyu 1


1 Shenzhen Campus, Jinan University, Shenzhen, China

Corresponding Author

Zhao Xinyu


Using the panoramic VR Palace Museum section of the digital Palace Museum mini program of the Palace Museum, this paper explored the influence of the use of panoramic VR scenic tour software on tourists' on-site travel intention by integrating technology acceptance models and innovation diffusion theory, and introducing variables such as perceived playfulness and subjective norms. The findings of this study were as follows. Perceived usefulness and perceived playfulness are key factors influencing tourists' behavioral intention for on-site travel. Perceived ease of use and consumer innovativeness had a significant positive influence on the perceived usefulness. Consumer innovativeness and subjective norms had a significant positive influence on the perceived ease of use and perceived playfulness. Finally, the paper concluded with recommendations based on the conclusions, with a view to informing tourism enterprises in their digital transformation.


Panoramic vr, On-site travel intention, Consumer innovativeness, Technology acceptance models, Innovation diffusion theory


Zhao Xinyu, Influence of Panoramic Vr Software on Tourists' on-Site Travel Intention: an Integrated Model Based on Tam and Idt. Cloud and Service-Oriented Computing (2022) Vol. 2: 55-61. DOI:


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