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Cloud-Based Intelligent Transportation System: Reference Model

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DOI: 10.23977/acss.2022.060701 | Downloads: 55 | Views: 1002


Süleyman Nurullah Adahi Şahin 1, Safiye Turgay 2, Orhan Torkul 2


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Sakarya, Turkey
2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey

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Süleyman Nurullah Adahi Şahin


While the development of technology and internet infrastructure facilitates many aspects of daily life, it does so based on the processes and data running in the background. With the development of information and communication technology, changes and improvements in people's lives have also had a great impact on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Cloud Computing, which was developed for the storage of data that has been made descriptive of the virtual environment with a reference model setup as the first step. This model is aimed to facilitate the data storage, processing, and transfer process required for Intelligent Transportation Systems. In this study, a reference model on passenger occupancy rate, which is a passenger information system from Cloud Computing-based Intelligent Transportation System components, has been created, and this model has offered suggestions in the form of interface improvement for Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality transportation mobile application SAKUS. It is foreseen that these suggestions will have a great impact on the daily life of the passengers in planning their travels and in turning to alternative modes of transportation.


Cloud Computing, Intelligent Transportation System, Reference Model, Passenger Information System, Passenger Occupancy Rate


Süleyman Nurullah Adahi Şahin, Safiye Turgay, Orhan Torkul, Cloud-Based Intelligent Transportation System: Reference Model. Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems (2022) Vol. 6: 1-9. DOI:


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