Research on the Development Status, Problems and Countermeasures of Internet Consumer Finance
DOI: 10.23977/jvrai.2020.010101 | Downloads: 124 | Views: 4652
Peng Wang 1
1 School of Economics and Management, Dalian University, No.10, Xuefu Avenue, Economic & Technical Development Zone, Dalian, Liaoning, The People's Republic of China (PRC)
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In recent years, the rapid rise of Internet consumer finance has attracted more and more attention. This article first introduces the concept, characteristics and classification of Internet consumer finance, and studies its development scale and background. It then analyzes its current development status and problems, such as lagging legal supervision, inadequate protection of user rights, and inadequate development of the credit system. Finally, it puts forward suggestions to promote the steady development of Internet consumer finance from the aspects of legal supervision, international experience, technical security, and credit information system.
Internet consumer finance, financial supervision, credit reporting systemCITE THIS PAPER
Peng Wang. Research on the Development Status, Problems and Countermeasures of Internet Consumer Finance. Journal of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence (2020) Vol. 1: 1-4. DOI:
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