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Numerical Simulation Study on Optimization Design of High Efficiency and Low Noise Centrifugal Fan

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DOI: 10.23977/jpim.2022.020104 | Downloads: 94 | Views: 2529


Zhihang Zhou 1,2, Liang Li 2,3, Bin Zhang 2,3, Hao Qiu 2,3, Jun Wan 2,3


1 South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
2 Changsha Zoomlion Environmental Industry Co., Ltd, Changsha, Hunan, China
3 Guangdong Infore Intelligent Sanitation Technology Co., Ltd, Foshan, Guangdong, China

Corresponding Author

Zhihang Zhou


Considering centrifugal fan as a key component of pneumatic conveying system, the research on the key technology of high-efficiency and low-noise design of centrifugal fan has gradually become the bottleneck of environmental sanitation equipment development. The generation mechanism and research methods of aerodynamic noise of centrifugal fan are summarized. Compared with experimental result of the noise frequency spectrum, the feasibility of the numerical simulation method based on detached eddy turbulence model is validated. Furthermore, based on the numerical simulation technology, the effects of inlet design, adding short blades, double outlet design, inclined volute tongue on the aerodynamic performance and aerodynamic noise of centrifugal fan are explored. The research results are observed in the following: (1) The inlet air flow distortion significantly affects the vortex generation and vorticity distribution inside and at the outlet of the fan, and the straight tube or arc tube inlet can significantly reduce the vorticity generation and reduce the aerodynamic noise. (2) Adding short blades is an effective measure to reduce the aerodynamic noise. Compared to the original design, the outlet aerodynamic noise for the optimization design can be reduced by 5.26 dB at most. However, the improvement of aerodynamic performance is relatively limited. (3) The aerodynamic performance of the double outlet design is obviously improved, while the noise reduction effect can be achieved by reducing rotation rate after meeting basic requirement of the aerodynamic performance. (4) The inclined volute tongue has slightly effect on reducing aerodynamic noise and improving aerodynamic performance. The research results in this paper will offer new insights into the design of high-efficiency and low-noise centrifugal fan, and provide the method support for the innovative design of pneumatic conveying system in environmental sanitation equipment industry.


High efficiency, Low noise, Detached Eddy Simulation, Vorticity distribution, Centrifugal fan


Zhihang Zhou, Liang Li, Bin Zhang, Hao Qiu, Jun Wan, Numerical Simulation Study on Optimization Design of High Efficiency and Low Noise Centrifugal Fan. Journal of Precision Instrument and Machinery (2022) Vol. 2: 25-37. DOI:


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