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Research on Cross-Border Flow of Vehicle Data

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DOI: 10.23977/csoc.2022.020106 | Downloads: 25 | Views: 1843


Yujia Li 1, Yueyou Wang 1, Jue Wang 1, Hanbing Wu 1, Xianzhao Xia 1


1 China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China

Corresponding Author

Yujia Li


As vehicles are increasingly intelligent and connected, the amount and frequency of vehicle data flowing across borders is growing. The issues of cross-border flow of vehicle data has attracted regulatory attention from many countries and gained widespread industry interest. This paper three main situations for the cross-border flow of vehicle data and the critical issues they bring about. Based on the results of tests carried out on the vehicle, captured packet analysis can verify the presence of data outbound from the vehicle.


Cross-border data flow, Intelligent and connected vehicle, Data security, Data security testing


Yujia Li, Yueyou Wang, Jue Wang, Hanbing Wu, Xianzhao Xia, Research on Cross-Border Flow of Vehicle Data. Cloud and Service-Oriented Computing (2022) Vol. 2: 42-47. DOI:


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