Research on Antecedent Variables and Consequence Effects of Service Contact
DOI: 10.23977/csoc.2022.020105 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 1972
Tang Wei 1
1 Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing, Guangdong, 526061, China
Corresponding Author
The study found that the academic research on the antecedent variables of service contact mainly focuses on three aspects: customer factor, employee factor and enterprise factor. The consequence effect of service contact is mainly reflected in four aspects, and its specific content is customer's trust, satisfaction, loyalty and behavioral intention. The research on the antecedent variables and consequence effects of service contact is helpful to explore the deep relationship between service contact and other variables, and has good theoretical and practical significance for related researches on service management.
Service contact, antecedent variables, consequence effectsCITE THIS PAPER
Tang Wei, Research on Antecedent Variables and Consequence Effects of Service Contact. Cloud and Service-Oriented Computing (2022) Vol. 2: 36-41. DOI:
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