Fluid - solid Coupling Analysis of Bioprosthetic Heart Valve Based on PISO Algorithm
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2016.11001 | Downloads: 102 | Views: 6795
Zhu Hongwei 1, Yuan Quan 1, Shen Bingshen 1, Tang Dan 1, Wang Zhichao 1
1 Key Laboratory of High-efficiency and Clean Mechanical Manufacture, Shandong University, Ministry of Education,Jinan, 250061, China.
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In this paper, according to the PISO algorithm in Fluent, the biomechanical analysis of the bioprosthetic heart valve model was carried out, and the deformation of the bioprosthetic valve was obtained. The simulation results show that the deformation of the bioprosthetic valve mainly occurs in the free edge of each leaflet, and the deformation of the abdomen is small, and the free edge will appear curl during the valve opening. In this paper, the same environment was used to simulate the pulsatile flow in the bioprosthetic valve, and the same result was obtained. The simulation and experimental results show that this method can be used in the fluid-solid coupling analysis of bioprosthetic valves, and provides a reference for the further optimization of bioprosthetic heart valve.
Biomechanical modeling; Bioprosthetic heart valve; Pressure implicit with splitting of operators(PISO)CITE THIS PAPER
Hongwei, Z. , Quan, Y. , Bingshen, S. , Zhichao, W. and Dan, T. (2016) Fluid - solid Coupling Analysis of Bioprosthetic Heart Valve Based on PISO Algorithm. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2016) 1: 1-5.
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