Reviewing Methods for Controlling Spatial Data Quality from Multiple Perspectives
DOI: 10.23977/geors.2022.050104 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 987
Danling Chen 1
1 Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
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Danling ChenABSTRACT
Spatial data is the core and operation object of geographic information system (GIS). The quality of spatial data determines the application of GIS and the effectiveness of decision-making to a great extent. This article introduces two important types of spatial data, vector data and raster data. Then, this paper discusses the uncertainty and sources of errors in spatial data, and discusses the methods of checking and preventing uncertainty and errors from the aspects and processes of digitization, so as to ensure the quality of spatial data. Finally, this paper explores cutting-edge approaches to improving spatial data quality, including the Area preserving method for improved categorical raster resampling, and using hierarchical grid index to detect and correct errors in vector elevation data. By studying effective data quality control methods, the quality of spatial data in GIS can be guaranteed, and the basic guarantee for the wide application and development of geographic information science can be provided.
Spatial Data, Geographic Information System, Uncertainty, Error, GISCITE THIS PAPER
Danling Chen, Reviewing Methods for Controlling Spatial Data Quality from Multiple Perspectives. Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2022) Vol. 5: 22-27. DOI:
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