The Future of Smart Homes in the Philippines
DOI: 10.23977/ssge.2022.040106 | Downloads: 226 | Views: 3058
Xiong Wenlei 1, Qiuyue Wang 1, Dela Cruz Luna 2, Dado Julius 2
1 Graduate School, Technological University of the Philippines, Metro Manila, Philippines
2 Graduate School, Asian Institute of Management, Metro Manila, Philippines
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Xiong WenleiABSTRACT
Technology continuously helps humans in their daily lives. From increasing productivity, savings in time and resources, and improvement of services, technology has been ingrained and entangled in human’s civilization to the point of no return where technology can no longer unlearned and untied to our everyday lives. The emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) underscored the fact that technological advancement can work positively in our lives. This study used data from a construction company in the Philippines that constructs houses and provides service in the installation of Smart Home Systems. The first list consists of the devices that are available for installment shall the homeowner wants to. This data will be used to gauge what are the IoT devices that are available for installation in the Philippines. The second list of data contains of smart home device that the company already installed in the premises of their clients. This will be used to determine which is the most common smart home device being installed in the Philippines. This shows that massive adoption may have begun in the Philippines with the boom of internet connectivity coupled with the increasing middle class who can afford such 'necessary' luxury. In conclusion, recommendations were provided in order for the country to bridge the gap between the present scenario of Smart Home System in the country and the desirable level of adoption of the technology to fully reap its benefits.
Smart Home Systems, Internet of Things (IoT), IoT deviceCITE THIS PAPER
Xiong Wenlei, Qiuyue Wang, Dela Cruz Luna, Dado Julius, The Future of Smart Homes in the Philippines. Smart Systems and Green Energy (2022) Vol. 4: 37-49. DOI:
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