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Research on Anonymous Authentication of Vehicle to Grid Users Based on Group Signature

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DOI: 10.23977/acss.2020.040103 | Downloads: 26 | Views: 2587


Shaomin Zhang 1, Fang Xie 1, Baoyi Wang 1


1 Department of Control and Computer, North China Electric Power University, HuaDian Road, BaoDing, China

Corresponding Author

Shaomin Zhang


In order to solve the problem that the privacy information of the vehicle to grid user is leaked, which endangers the safety of users' lives and properties. In this paper, a V2G user anonymous authentication scheme based on group signature is proposed to realize the user anonymous authentication of vehicle to grid. In order to realize the anonymous authentication of the charging station to the EV, the scheme mainly adopts group signature algorithm to achieve anonymous authentication between the EV and the power grid. In the process of authentication, only the trusted center has the real identity of the user to ensure the anonymous interaction between electric vehicle and power grid. The aggregation unit records the EV information by combining a complete subtree method and Chinese remainder theorem, so that other members do not need to change the key in the process of EV revocation. According to the security analysis, this scheme can ensure the confidentiality, integrity, effectiveness and non-repudiation of information in V2G network. The performance analysis shows that this scheme can reduce the computing and communication costs of the vehicle to grid.


V2G, Group Signature, Privacy Protection, Anonymous Authentication, Complete Subtree Method


Shaomin Zhang, Fang Xie and Baoyi Wang. Research on Anonymous Authentication of Vehicle to Grid Users Based on Group Signature. Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems (2020) 4: 13-18. DOI:


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